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<font color=color_url><font color=color_url>[color=color_url - Houston TX Real Estate - 8159 Homes For Sale - Zillow

<p>A <strong>Zestimate</strong> home valuation is Zillow's estimated market value. It is not an appraisal. Use it as a starting point to determine a home's value. Learn more</p>

<p>A <strong>Zestimate</strong> home valuation is Zillow's estimated market value. It is not an appraisal. Use it as a starting point to determine a home's value. Learn more</p>

<p>This is a home in which the owner(s) set a "dream price" - a price they'd be willing to sell it for, as well as to test the waters and gauge interest. This property is not found on a multiple listing service (MLS).</p>

<p>This property is scheduled to be sold at a foreclosure auction. The lender initiated foreclosure proceedings on this property because the owner(s) were in default on their loan obligations. This property is not found on a multiple listing service (MLS). Learn more</p>

<p>The lender initiated foreclosure proceedings on this property because the owner(s) were in default on their loan obligations. This property is not found on a multiple listing service (MLS).</p>

<p>This property is owned by a bank or a lender who took ownership through foreclosure proceedings. It may soon be listed for sale. This property is not found on a multiple listing service (MLS).</p>

<p>A <strong>Foreclosure Estimate</strong> is the price Zillow predicts a property will sell for if it's listed as a foreclosure (bank-owned property or real estate owned). Learn more</p> - - Houston TX Real Estate - 8159 Homes For Sale - Zillow
Категория: Most wanted... | Добавил: | Автор: ErnestOl
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