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веб-хостинг электронной почты - .
<font color=color_url><font color=color_url>[color=color_url - Email Hosting with anti-spam & anti-virus protection

<p>With each of our web hosting plans, NTC Hosting gives you the opportunity to operate email accounts using the SMTP. POP3 and IMAP protocols. We also enable you to create an e-mail box using your own domain name hosted by us, and to use our advanced E-mail Manager which allows you to set e-mail filters. anti-spam protection, catchall e-mails. mailing lists. SPF protection. auto-responders and more.</p>

<p>In order to use a hosted email service you need an email provider. Although there are many websites offering email services, they usually allow you to create an email account of the name@mail-provider-domain type. What's more, the services they're offering seldom live up to users' expectations as far as quality, security and mailbox size are concerned. Some of them even impose a limit on the users concerning the number of emails sent per day.</p>

<p>The free email services gain popularity every day - with a great list of features provided they are a good solution for personal email correspondence. With a free email service every single person is able to create their own email address. Unlike the commercial email hosting services, most of the free email services are accessible only at the provider's website. Unfortunately, the free email hosting solutions are not suitable for business and corporate email needs. The free email providers cannot guarantee the security and the reliability of the services they provide. Also, the free email service lacks technical support.</p>

<p>Unlike the free email hosting solutions, the email hosting services provided by the web hosting companies are fully featured. With an email hosting service included in the hosting plans, the customers are allowed to run personal or business e-correspondence on a server with much higher levels of reliability and security. Also, the commercial email hosting service allows the customers to create mail boxes at their own domains, to forward emails, to use auto-responder features and more.</p>

<p>Unlike the free email providers, NTC Hosting offers a high quality email hosting service. Each of our hosting plans gives you the opportunity to create email accounts using the domain hosted by you, for example mail@my-best-domain. Depending on the web hosting plan you've chosen, you can create between 10 and an unlimited number of email addresses and send up to 150 emails per hour.</p>

<p>Our email service is secure and reliable and offers Email Forwarding, Mailing Lists, a Catch-all emails option, mail filters, an Auto-responder function, as well as Anti-spam, Anti-virus and SPF protection.</p>

<p>To access your mailboxes you can either use the inbuilt Webmail client - RoundCube, or set up a local email client account using the SMTP, POP3 and IMAP servers we are providing you with.</p> - Email Hosting with anti-spam & anti-virus protection
Категория: Most wanted... | Добавил: | Автор: Tetragjiz
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